Support Us
It costs about £100,000 a year to run the Family Centre. We are a community run charity and we receive only a small transition grant from the county council. All the rest of our funding is from donations.
We are very grateful to all the organisations listed on this page for their generous support enabling us to continue to deliver our vision of Being There for Every Family.
Donations both large and small are very welcome from individuals and organisations/businesses.
We have sponsorship forms and paying in forms if you would like to fundraise for us.
Alternatively if you would like to make a donation please click on the Donate link on this page.
We are very grateful to the following organisations for their generous support of the Family Centre:
Thame Town Council
Chinnor Parish Council
Mayor of Thame's Charity Fund
Oxfordshire Community Foundation
Heart of Bucks Community Foundation
Box technologies
Thame Cars
Lucy Electric
Adroit Services
Powerhouse Gym
Sharing Life Trust
Thame Rotary
Thame Round Table
Are you a community-spirited local businesses and would like to come on board as Red Kite Angels? If so, we invite you to contact our Centre Manager, Marie Scott (, or co-Chair of Trustees, Katie-Lee English ( Our thanks in advance.
One of simplest way to do this is to increase the number of Red Kite Friends (individuals donating a regular monthly sum), and appeal to community-spirited local businesses to come on board as Red Kite Angels.
Fact: Just 350 Red Kite Friends donating £10 per month or 35 businesses donating £100 would secure the Centre’s future!